- if n is even, halve it
- if n is odd, triple it and add one
It's an open question as to whether or not this function always converges on a value of 1 for any positive integer n. Wikipedia claims that this property has been proven up through at least 10 × 258, but it's unclear if it's true for all positive integers.f 2 = [2,1]
f 3 = [3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1]
f 4 = [4,2,1]
f 5 = [5,16,8,4,2,1]
f 6 = [6,3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1]
f 7 = [7,22,11,34,17,52,26,13,40,20,10,5,16,8,4,2,1]
Steve's solution is a little, um, cumbersome, and he makes it clear that his goal is to learn:
This post follows the Law of Usenet: if you post a question, nobody will answer it. If you post an answer, they'll all rush to correct it. I welcome corrections.In that spirit, here is my response. :-)
Unlike most languages I have used, Haskell has a very interesting property -- if you find yourself writing a lot of code, chances are you're doing something wrong. Generally, this is because the Prelude and the standard library have a rich set of tools for building solutions from the bottom up. Writing a lot of code usually means that you're ignoring a key abstraction somewhere. Haskell programs tend to be short because they can be short; many common problems have generalized solutions in the library already. If you find a general problem that's not solved in the standard library, implementing a general solution typically involves writing one missing function.
The first step to solving this problem involves the collatz function which implements the interesting 3n + 1 property:
Next, there's the function to produce a "collatz sequence" starting with a number n and (hopefully) terminating with the number 1. Fortunately, this behavior is precisely what the iterate function in the Prelude provides:collatz :: Int -> Int
collatz 1 = 1
collatz n = if (odd n)
then (3 * n + 1)
else n `div` 2
That is, iterate takes a function and a seed value, and returns a list that contains the seed, and an infinite sequence of values produced by applying the function to the previous value.iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
Therefore, expanding this simple collatz function to a function that produces a collatz sequence is simply:
Actually, that's not quite correct, since a collatz sequence terminates with a value of 1:collatzSequence :: Int -> [Int]
collatzSequence = iterate collatz
Sure enough, this function works as expected:collatzSequence :: Int -> [Int]
collatzSequence = terminate . iterate collatz
terminate (1:_) = [1]
terminate (x:xs) = x:terminate xs
That solves the problem of generating collatz sequences. But the contest problem was to find the longest collatz sequence within a range of numbers. Given:*Main> collatzSequence 7
produce this output:1 10
100 200
201 210
900 1000
Generating these results is simple enough. First, convert a collatz sequence to its length:1 10 20
100 200 125
201 210 89
900 1000 174
Next, convert a range of integers into their collatz lengths:*Main> length $ collatzSequence 7
Next, pick out the largest sequence in the range:
*Main> map (length . collatzSequence) [1..10]
Next, consume a line of input, perform this calculation, and produce a line of output:*Main> maximum $ map (length . collatzSequence) [1..10]
And finally, write the main function that consumes all input and produces the desired output:run :: String -> IO ()
run s = do let (i:j:_) = map read (words s)
m = maximum $ map (length . collatzSequence) [i..j]
putStrLn (concat [show i, " ", show j, " ", show m])
Here is the completed program in its entirety:main = do inp <- getContents
mapM_ run (lines inp)
Hope this helps!collatz :: Int -> Int
collatz 1 = 1
collatz n = if (odd n)
then (3 * n + 1)
else n `div` 2
collatzSequence :: Int -> [Int]
collatzSequence = terminate . iterate collatz
terminate (1:_) = [1]
terminate (x:xs) = x:terminate xs
run :: String -> IO ()
run s = do let (i:j:_) = map read (words s)
m = maximum $ map (length . collatzSequence) [i..j]
putStrLn (concat [show i, " ", show j, " ", show m])
main = do inp <- getContents
mapM_ run (lines inp)